Bruno HÉNON - Automation & Control Engineer Freelance Services in factory automation, designing, programming, installing and subcontracting worldwide

A professional in factory automation servicing the industry.

Self employed

  Factory automation > Automation engineer freelance  

  Industrial automation

Provision of automation services  


Services in factory automation, Activity and experience as a freelance, Contact.

Freelance Control Engineer To Do What ?

An automation engineer freelance is a professional, a self employed engineer which delivers services in automation and control to engineering companies or final users by subcontracting.

He usually has got a various professional experience.

A freelance automation engineer can offer a set of services such as designing, PLC programming ( and other miscellaneous programmable systems ), installing, technical writing, functional analysis of plants to control by program ( such as machines, production lines etc ).

Quickly, the services in automation offered by a self-employed technician consist in delivering the results of his own work without supplying anything other.

Contracting can be either a weekly or monthly contract work ( according a daily fixed price ), or a fixed price contract for a whole project whether robust specifications have been written about all the jobs to be executed. In all cases, billing is at least once a month.

Services In Factory Automation

This folder lists all the industrial services and the various provision of services that a self-employed automation engineer suggests, and the context in which they can be executed.

Engineering Activity As A Freelance

You will find here a short resume about the activity of a professional in factory automation, and a resume about his experience with a list including the programmable devices ( programmable logic controllers, industrial digital networks etc. ) he has worked with.

Contact A Self Employed Automation Engineer

You can find here all you want to contact a professional, and all the legal informations ( registration and so on ) about him.

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