Bruno HÉNON - Automation & Control Engineer Freelance Services in factory automation, designing, programming, installing and subcontracting worldwide

Free software and utility software.

Software tools

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About the free software, At the office, Intranet and internet.

Here, you will find links to informations which could be useful to any control engineer, about tools essentially issued of the free software world, for uses in engineering, design, drafting, data display, projects management. You will also find links to free software developers sites very rich ( thousands of projects ), where you will find technical or specialized applications : software in CAD, projects management.

You can also get some other informations somewhere else in this web site about automation software, signal processing software, network traffic analysis software, wireless network utilities or digital security dedicated software.

Free Software And Open Source Software

SourceForge, Free Software foundation, GNU.


« SourceForge » is a site animated by developers proposing resources in developing and publishing free to use software, with open source code published in the public domain ( read the licences attentively ). The association publishes a large number of software in many various domains, as well applications for general public as specialized software tools for professionals. In particular, you can find free software for factory automation about control systems, MMI, networking ( modbus, canbus, open powerlink ) or about SCADA systems. You can also get there software libraries for image processing, for networking and for many other things.

Free Software Foundation

The « Free Software Foundation » ( FSF ) is a non profit association which promotes the liberty for the users of computers and defends the rights of the free software users.

GNU Package

« GNU's » ( meaning « GNU's Not UNIX » ) is a free operating system ( the free usage does not necessary implied it is free of fees ) with public source code looking like UNIX. Once its development has been finished, it adopted the LINUX kernel to manage the whole of its modules.

The GNU's original goal is to give the liberty to the computer users, and to promote the usage of the free software. Thus, GNU quickly needed to define the terms for publishing, to prevent the free software getting away into proprietary software. The first result has been the GNU GPL licence ( General Public Licence ), and other licences for well defined specific needs have followed.

Office Automation, Engineering And Project Management

7-zip, OpenOffice, OpenWorkBench, Gantt Project, INRIA.

7-zip - Packing And Unpacking Software

« 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. It is a free and open source software distributed under the GNU LGPL licence ( excepted for the RAR plugin ). »

The main features of 7-Zip


OPEN OFFICE - An Office Automation Suite

Finished the multiple versions of text editors, according to the providers and/or the clients ! This package is build with all the components usually provided in this kind of product : text editor, drawing, spreadsheet, data base editor, slides editor, mathematics editor. Several extensions are available. A possible alternative to standardize execution and exchange of documentations ?

GanttProject - A Project Management Software

« Gant project » provides the the most used functions in project management, but it is more simple than Openworkbench. The interface is attractive and pleasant, it proposes Gantt and Pert diagrams, resources management, but not costs management ( not yet ? ). Briefly, very convenient for all kind of projects. And it is free and open source too.

Openworkbench - A Project Management Software

Openworkbench is a very full software to manage your projects. It provides Gantt and Pert diagrams, resources and costs management. It offers the possibility to create his own views, to integrate sub-projects. It is largely equivalent to the commercial software the most widely sold and is able to manage important projects. And it is free to use.

[ Archives ]

Free Software Published By INRIA

The french Computing and Automatics National Research Institute ( INRIA ) publishes its own software under the CeCILL licence - A free software licence compliant with the european legislation, according to the philosophy of GNU. You will find SciLab ( a scientific software package ) there, for instance.

You can look for a software through an alphabetical list or by theme, where you can discover development software in ( MMI operator panels, tools and languages for real-time systems, networking and communicating systems tools, data processing software, image processing, languages tools, software and library for geometry, algebra, arithmetic and combinational, scientific computing tools and many others.

Intranet And Internet Utilities

Mozilla, Opera, Remote control.

Internet Suite of The MOZILLA Foundation

Suite of very safe and useful software to use Internet as well : a WEB browser ( Firefox ), and an email manager ( Thunderbird ).

Whether you wish browsing the internet securely, safely and confidentially, you can do it with the Firefox version embedded in the TOR browser. ( To keep your confidentiality for your email activities, you can use TORbirdy. )

The Opera Browser

Not well known by the general public, Opera is very largely widespread as a web browser for mobile phones though.

PC Remote Control

Computer remote control software are very useful for maintenance and diagnostic of automated applications ( Human Machine Interfaces - HMI, PLC controllers etc ) and the systems on which they are running. You know « PC anywhere ». Here are some free software which offer these functions.

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